Classics and Greek Studies Awards Ceremony 2009 Greek Studies Award Winners 2009 The Co-Directors of the Center for Greek Studies before the Awards Ceremony Classics Chair, Robert Wagman opens the ceremony Classics Professor, Tim Johnson delivers the keynote address Classics Professor and former Chair Mary Ann Eaverly Dr. Eaverly with Dickison graduate award winners David Hoot and George Hendren Dr. Eaverly with Hauptmann medal winner Megan Wallis Classics Professor, Victoria Pagan Dr. Pagan with Eta Sigma Phi winner Bryan Behl Dr. Pagan with Eta Sigma Phi winner Megan Wallis The Director of the Center for Greek Studies Kostas Kapparis Cantonis Medal Winner Vassiliki Zoumis with Nick Kontaridia and Kostas Kapparis Classics and European Studies Faculty, Tom Kostopoulos Bilirakis premed winnner Peter Zavitsanos with Dr. Tom Kostopoulos Michopoulos Winner George Tsakon with Dr. Tom Kostopoulos Perry Ancient Greek winner Bob Brewer with Dr. Kostas Kapparis Perry Hellenic Civilization winner Zack Smith with Dr. Kostopoulos Charles and Elsie Voelker winner Alexa Arvanitis with Dr. Kapparis Anargyros Comnenos winner Brenda Fields with Caroline Comnenos and Dr. Wagman Nick Kontaridis with Award winners Greek Studies Award Winners 2009 Award Winners 2009